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How To Properly DYOR in 2023

The cryptocurrency market has taken the financial world by storm, with an astonishing variety of coins and tokens that promise ground-breaking solutions. However, the volatile nature of the market coupled with its nascence makes it imperative to tread carefully.

One of the best ways to safeguard your investments is by doing your own research (DYOR). You’ve probably heard that term more than a couple of times, but there’s one problem: no one tells you how to properly DYOR!

Let’s dive into it!

Understanding the Basics

  • Comprehend the Technology

Before delving into specific cryptocurrencies, grasp the fundamental concepts like blockchain, decentralization, smart contracts, and consensus mechanisms. These are the bedrock of most cryptocurrencies and understanding them will provide context for further research.

  • Choose Your Focus

The sheer number of cryptocurrencies can be overwhelming. Focus your research on a particular subset that interests you, whether it be coins, tokens, or projects that pertain to finance, data storage, privacy, or any other field.

Deep Diving Into Specific Cryptocurrencies

  • Study the Whitepaper

Every legitimate cryptocurrency project has a whitepaper, a document that details its purpose, technology, tokenomics, and roadmap. Scrutinize the whitepaper to understand the project’s goals and feasibility. Look out for red flags such as a lack of technical detail or unrealistic promises.

  • Evaluate the Team and Community

A project’s success often hinges on the team behind it. Research the background and experience of the team members, ensuring they have relevant expertise. Additionally, an active and engaged community can be indicative of a project’s credibility and future success. Observe discussions on forums like Reddit, or join Telegram and Discord groups.

  • Analyze Tokenomics

Understand how the cryptocurrency’s tokens or coins are distributed. Be wary of a disproportionate amount held by the team or early investors, as this can lead to manipulation. Moreover, assess whether the token has a clear utility within the ecosystem.

  • Historical Price Data and Market Capitalization

Although past performance is not indicative of future results, analyzing historical price data can be informative. CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko are reputable sources for this data. Additionally, check the market capitalization as it can be an indicator of the project’s size and potential for growth.

  • Consider Competitors and Market Conditions

Consider the project in relation to its competitors. Does it offer something unique or better? Also, take into account the broader market conditions. Is the project likely to thrive in a bear market or is it only promising during a bull run?

Crypto dyor

Practical Aspects

  • Regulatory Environment

The legal landscape for cryptocurrencies varies by country. Research the regulatory environment in your country and ensure that the cryptocurrency complies with the laws. Consider how future regulations might impact the project.

  • Secure and Manage Your Investments

If you decide to invest, learn about secure storage options like hardware wallets. Additionally, have an investment strategy, be it long-term holding or active trading. Set realistic profit targets and stop losses to manage risks.

  • Check the Code

If you have programming knowledge, inspect the project’s codebase on platforms like GitHub. Look for active development, the frequency of commits, and the number of contributors. This can give insights into the project’s health and potential.

If you, however, don’t have programming knowledge, don’t worry. You can check for all important red flags and possible code vulnerabilities and scam risks with a tool like Fraudl.

Check For Scams

Let’s put in perspective how to DYOR on a practical example. Let’s say you found Sphere Finance interesting and you want to check some things before aping into it.

After you’ve checked the details on the founders, the team, the community, and the tokenomics, it would be a good idea to check the code.

You can do that by checking the smart contract on Etherscan, but you would have to manually inspect all the contacts’ functions.

But there’s an easy way, just go to Fraudl, and search for Sphere Finance, look for the “verified” checkmark, and visit its dedicated page.

We can already see in the summary that there are no critical or potential risks. Click the “risks” button and check the details of the security analysis on its smart contract.

crypto dyor
crypto dyor

After examining the whole smart contract, we can see that there are no security or scam risks whatsoever, which is a very good sign. We can be confident, from the security perspective at least, that this project is a good investment.


Conducting your own research in the cryptocurrency market is an essential practice that demands time and effort.

By understanding the technology, scrutinizing whitepapers, evaluating the team and community, analyzing tokenomics, considering competitors and market conditions, understanding regulatory environments, and securely managing investments, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with this volatile yet potentially rewarding space.

DYOR is not just a catchphrase; it’s a mantra for the prudent investor in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies.

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